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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number EP/E017665/1
Title SCORCHIO: Sustainable Cities: Options for Responsing to Climate cHange Impacts and Outcomes
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Residential and commercial) 15%;
Not Energy Related 85%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Architecture and the Built Environment) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 95%;
Sociological economical and environmental impact of energy (Environmental dimensions) 5%;
Principal Investigator Professor S (Steve ) Sharples
No email address given
University of Liverpool
Award Type Standard
Funding Source EPSRC
Start Date 01 May 2007
End Date 31 October 2009
Duration 30 months
Total Grant Value £60,497
Industrial Sectors Construction; Environment
Region North West
Programme Energy Research Capacity
Investigators Principal Investigator Professor S (Steve ) Sharples , Architecture, University of Liverpool (100.000%)
Web Site
Abstract Urban areas are remarkably vulnerable to global warming; unhealthiness and discomfort from buildings overheating in the summer and increased pollution as well as flooding, subsidence and other effects. The 2003 heat wave was considered responsible for 14,802 and 2,045 excess deaths in France and England and Wales respectively. Our urban and city areas are becoming increasingly unhealthy, dangerous and uncomfortable to work and live in. Projected rates of urban growth mean that vulnerability will increase at the same time as the impacts of climate change become greater. Actions by planners, designers and infrastructure owners are required in the short term if cities are to avoid becoming ever more vulnerable in the long term. These are already urgent problems. Neither the effects of the urban landscape nor the heat released by human activities within cities are considered in standard climate change research, but these have been shown to be potentially very significant. Also the science and practice of adaptation of the built environment to climate change is still in its infancy. For climate change adaptation strategies to be developed for cities and regions in the UK, there is therefore an urgent need for decision support tools to appraise and design adaptation options. The new forecasts from the UK Climate Impacts Programme UKCIP (called the UKCIPnext scenarios) will provide new, better predictions. SCORCHIO (Sustainable Cities: Options for Responding to Climate cHange Impacts and Outcomes) aims to develop tools that use these new forecasts to help planners, designers, engineers and users to adapt urban areas, with a particular emphasis on heat and human comfort. It will do so by addressing the following objectives:1. To develop on a PC a climate simulator for urban areas that can be used for assessing the problems and the adaptation to avoid or reduce them, taking account of both
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 01/01/07